Aprender ingles with Reza and Craig
English lessons to improve your grammar, vocabulary and listening skills. We'll help you take your English to the next level! Lecciones para aprender y mejorar tú inglés.

If you are a new listener to this podcast, welcome! I'm Craig. This is Reza, and we are going to help you improve your English and take it to the next level.

With over 40 years of teaching between us, we'll help you improve your grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation.

This lesson: professions

We spoke about work vocabulary in Episodes 9, 32 and 43

Listener Feedback: DAvo9042 on iTunes Mexico: Excellent option to learn English. Simplemente el mejor método para aprender que he encontrado, incluyendo clases pagadas.


Abogado/a - Lawyer (pronunciation)

Granjero/Agricultor - Farmer

Arqueólogo - Archaeologist

Arquitecto/a - Architect

Basurero/a - Dustman (U.K.) / Garbage collector (U.S.A.)., Also 'refuse collector' and 'binman'.

Biólogo - Biologist

Cajera/0 - Cashier

Camionero/a - Lorry driver (U.K.) / Truck driver (U.S.A.)

Carnicero/a - Butcher

Cirujano/a - Surgeon

Electricista - Electrician

Enfermero/a - Nurse

Farmacéutico - Pharmacist / chemist

Físico - Physicist

Fontanero/a - Plumber

Ingeniero - Engineer

monje - monk

monja - nun

Niñera - Nanny / Nursemaid

Panadero/a - Baker

Peluquero/a - Hairdresser

Periodista - Journalist

Psicólogo/a - Psychologist

Psiquiatra / Siquiatra - Psychiatrist

Sacerdote - priest

Veterinario - Veterinary surgeon; vet (U.K.) ; Veterinarian (USA)

Thank you to our sponsor italki

traductor/a - translator

mensajero/a - courier

albañil - bricklayer, builder

banquero/a - banker

político/a - politician

cocinero/a - cook, chef

masajista - masseur (male), masseuse (female), massage therapist

esteticista - beautician, beauty specialist

torero, matador - bullfighter

musico/a - musician

peón - labourer

obrero/a - worker

obrero/a de fábrica - factory worker

peón agrícola, trabajador/a del campo -  farm worker, farmhand

taxista - taxi driver


Think of 2 jobs that........

...can be done from home: podcasting, writer, administrative work, translators

...do not exist anymore: typist, street gas-lighter, town crier

...young children typically want to do: police officer, firefighter, model, footballer

...are overpaid: footballers, models, bankers

...can be done by robots: production line (car manufacture), some farm work

...require absolutely no intelligence: model, fruitpicker

...will be most needed in the future: IT specialists, psychologists

...you would really hate to do: binman/dustman, prison warden, bathroom attendent

Do you think that having ‘a job for life’ is a thing of the past?

Is the most important thing about a job the salary?

If you won the lottery, would you stop working?

Is it possible to have a good family life and a successful career, or do you have to choose?

What's your opinion? Are you looking for a job at the moment? What's your dream job? Practise your speaking and send us a comment, or a question, at inglespodcast.com. We'd love to hear from you.

On next week's episode: Common mistakes made by Spanish speakers 

The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called 'See You Later' 

More podcasts on our webpage: http://www.inglespodcast.com/ 

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:32pm CEST

Vocabulary Review - Vegetables - AIRC65

If you are a new listener to this podcast, welcome! I'm Craig. This is Reza, and we are going to help you grow your grammar, vocalize your vocabulary and perfect your pronunciation. 

With over 40 years of teaching between us, we'll help you improve your English and take it to the next level.


In this episode: Vocabulary Review - Vegetables - Verduras

Listener Feedback: Rafa D on iTunes: Los podcasts son entretenidos y variados. Un recurso muy útil para reforzar el aprendizaje.

23bistadon (iTunes) Hello, your job is excellent and generous (you do excellent work). 

This is really a new era regarding the learning of languages. Thanks to the internet and people like you, giving your time and effort in such an unselfish manner. Thank you very much.

These reviews are on the Spanish iTunes. I don't know how to see comments and reviews from other countries. If you know, please tell me. I'd like to see all of your reviews.


Vocabulary: Vegetables (pronunciation)

Ajo - Garlic

Alcachofa - Artichoke

Apio - Celery

Batata / Moniato - Sweet potato

Berenjena - Aubergine / Eggplant

Berro - Cress, Watercress

Brécol - Broccoli

Calabacín - Courgette (UK), zucchini (US)

Calabaza - Pumpkin

Cebolla - Onion

Cebolleta - Chive 

Col, repollo - Cabbage

Coles de Bruselas - Brussel sprouts

Coliflor - Cauliflower

Endivia - Endive

Escarola - Curly endive ; Chicory

Espárrago - Asparagus

Espinacas - Spinach

Guisante - Pea

Haba - Broad bean

Judía verde - French bean

Lechuga - Lettuce

Nabo - Turnip

Pepino - Cucumber

Perejil - Parsley

Pimiento - Pepper

Puerro - Leek

Rábano - Radish

Rábano picante - Horseradish

Remolacha - Beet, Beetroot

What are you favourite vegtables? 

Reza: garlic, onion, aubergine, asparagus, red and green peppers and chilli peppers

Craig: tomatoes, broccoli, onions, garlic, eggplant, mushrooms

Which do you hate? 

Reza: celery, 

Craig: celery, radishes

Reza's salad recipe:

kale - col rizada 








seaweed - algas

carrot - zanahoria

Reza's secret dressing - el aliño

extra virgin Spanish olive oil

Italian balsamic vinegar

lemon juice

a clove (of garlic) - un diente (de ajo) (leave for 20 minutes then remove)


French mustard

cumin seeds - comino or aniseed - anís

On next week's episode: Professions

The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called 'See You Later' 

Direct download: AIRC65_FinalCut2.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:00pm CEST

If you are a new listener to this podcast, welcome! I'm Craig. This is Reza. We are English teachers 

With over 40 years of teaching between us, and in this podcast we'll help you improve your English and take it to the next level.

For more podcasts to improve your English, go to inglespodcast.com

In this episode: False Friends (falso amigo/falso cognado - amigo fingido) - "A word that appears to be related to another, but it isn't."

Listener Feedback: Manuel (email)

Friends Craig and Reza

I am a lifelong student of the English language. In the future perhaps I'll go to an English-speaking country to finally learn it.

-I have been to many academies, met many professors, and different methods and none of them satisfied me.

-But now I'm happy because I found the duet "Craig and Reza", who represent the autentic way of teaching English,

 listening and grammar at the same time. CONGRATULATIONS. You are magnificent. I hope quickly a section for Pronunciation.(I hope you will have a section on pronunciation)

-I am a new follower through the monthly newsletter INGLESPODCAST, perhaps the most veteran student - eight two years old-but with great enthusiasm.

-In conclusion, I ask several questions.         

1. Where (day and Time) I may hear directly inglespodcast? - We do not broadcast the podcast live, but we publish a new episode every Sunday evening at about 8pm (Spanish time).

2. What is the actual translation of Podcast? - It is a combination of the words POD (from Apple's 'ipod' and CAST from the word 'broadcast' (emisión, transmisión)

3. What is the translation of the word PATREON? - Patreon is a company on the internet that helps people create art, music, film, dance ect (and, in our case, podcasts). It has a conection with the word 'patron' (patrocinador o rsponsor)

4. About Patreon I agree with the payment of 1 euro monthly - If you would like to sponsor us, you can go to https://www.patreon.com/inglespodcast and sign up for the Patreon program.

5. How is the payment made? - On the Patreon webpage, you write your name, email address and credit card details. You can also donate with the PayPal system.

6. After ALL the prepositions with OF, the verb in gerund going? (Does the gerund always follow the preposition 'of'?) The verb is always in the gerund form after EVERY PREPOSITION. This is one of the rules in English.

- Thank you very much for your attention.  Don't falter - Many people trust in you - DO A GOOD JOB"

Manuel, it's a pleasure for us to have you as a listener and Reza and I are very happy that we can help you improve your English a little (and maybe entertain you as well!).

Vocabulary: False Friends

What's a false friend?

Words in two languages that look or sound similar, but are different in meaning. An example is "embarrassed" (avergonzado) and "embarazada" (pregnant), 

sensible - sensitive

librería - bookshop

propaganda - advertising (propaganda in English is biased information to promote certain ideas)

beneficio - profit

blando - soft (soso - bland)

reclamar - to complain

recuperar - to reclaim

carrera - race, degree course (NOT a career)

actual - current, present, contemporary - The current (or present) economic situation is a disaster. - La situación económica actual es desastrosa.

 (actual in English means real - "This film is based on actual events")

actualmente - presently, currently, these day

de hecho - actually, in fact

discutir - argue (not discuss)

(estar constipado) - (to have) a cold - constipation in English is estreñimiento. If you're constipated you are blocked.

embarazada - pregnant (embarrassed - avergonzado , I'm embarrassed - Me da vergüenza)

éxito - success (not the way out - salida)

sucesos - incidents, events 

extranjero - foreign/foreigner - not strange or stranger (although a lot of foreigners are strange, especially the British who live on the Costa Blanca and the Costa del Sol!)

tiempo - time/weather 

pretender - intend (tener la intención de) I intend to go on a diet, starting tomorrow. - Tengo la intención de hacer regimen a partir de mañana.

pretend (to do something) - to act like - hacer parecer que, simular, fingir - "He pretended to eat her ice cream." - Hizo parecer que se comía el helado.

reunión - meeting (a reunion in English is a meeting of friends or family after a long time - ¿reencuentro?) - a school reunion, a family reunion

la moto - the motorbike, el motor - the motor, the engine

simpático - pleasant, likeable - Reza es un hombre muy simpático. - He's a very likeable man. (sympathetic in English means compasivo, empático)

- They were sympathetic but could not help." Estaban de nuestra parte pero no podían ayudarnos. / He wasn't in the least sympathetic." - No mostró compasión alguna.

cook - cocinero/a

cooker - estufa, fogón, cocina, horno

un militar - a soldier (the military - fuerzas armadas)

un uniforme militar - a military uniform

If you want to get in touch (contact us) go to inglespodcast.com.

On next week's episode: Vegetables


The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called 'See You Later' 




Direct download: AIRC64_FinalCut.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:00pm CEST

If you are a new listener to this podcast, welcome! We are going to help you grow your grammar, vocalize your vocabulary and perfect your pronunciation. 

With over 40 years of teaching between us, we'll help you improve your English and take it to the next level.

In this episode: Uses of GET


You can find more podcasts to improve your English at inglespodcast.com

Vocabulary: Uses of GET (Tweet from Wiliam) "Can you explain (me) how to use the verb get?"

Phrasal verbs with GET

to get your head around = to understand

to get by - manage (financially) English teachers don't earn very much money, but we get by. (arreglarse)

to get on/off a train/boat/plane/bike (subir/bajar) - get in/out of a car/taxi (salir) 

get out of doing something - get out of doing the washing up (to avoid)

to get off with something (escapar, zafar, evitar una tarea, compromiso) - "The criminal commited a crime but no one caught him. He got off with it." - get away with

to get on with - (seguir con) "Get on with your homework!"

to get on with - (llevarse bien) "Do you get on well with your brothers and sisters?"

to get away with - escape punishment for a crime or bad action (salirse con la suya, zafarse de la cárcel) "I can't believe you got away with cheating on that test!"

to get over - to recover (from an illness, a surprise)Have you got over your cold yet? (recuperarse)

to get up - levantarse What time do you get up in the summer? Do you go to bed and get up later because of the heat?

to get through (to someone) - to communicate "It's difficult to get through to my wife. We always argue."

More phrasal verbs with Marie Episode 54: http://www.inglespodcast.com/marie


"Craig has just got his hair cut."

"Reza got/had his temperature taken by the doctor."

With GET we can say that we cause something to happen or to be done. It is a less formal way of saying 'have something done':

"I’m getting my car serviced tomorrow."

"Did you notice that I got my hair cut?"

We also use get to mean that we cause something to happen:

Sorry to keep you waiting, Sir. We’re just getting the room cleaned for you.

They got me to make a presentation at work, but I hate speaking in front of people. (They persuaded me to do it)

Can you help me get this photocopier working?

I want to get this podcast edited today.


How are you getting to Belfast?

What time did you get here?

If you leave here at 3pm, what time will you get to your flat? (get home)

Reza gets home an hour after he leaves here.


How old were you when you got your driving licence? (obtain)

How many emails do you get per day or per week? Would you rather get a letter or an email?

I need to get a new pair of shoes in the sales. Are you getting anything?

When are you getting your flat done up? (to do up = reformar, renovar, redecorar) - to decorate

una reforma = alterations, changes, remodeling, refurbishment 

to get your act together = to do what you are supposed to do, to organise yourself

to get engaged, get married, get separated, get divorced, get over it!

catapult - tirachinas, honda, resortera, gomera, tirador

to get into trouble, to get arrested, to get caught

to get in dept

Get real! (get a grip) - ¡abre los ojos! Be honest, don't lie.


to get drunk

to get lucky 

Get a life!

It's getting hotter every day here in Valencia.

I am getting old. Are there any advantages in getting old? 

Do you ever get tired of teaching?

Thanks to Manuel, Mamen, Sara and Corey who are patrons of this show. Go to: Patreon.com/inglespodcast

Send us an email, or record your voice and send us a sound file, with a comment or question to craig@inglespodcast.com or belfastreza@gmail.com.

Sign up to our email list at inglespodcast.com because we'll send you an email ever month with all the podcasts we've made and published. 

On next week's episode: False Friends

The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called 'See You Later' and by Kevin MacLeod the track was 'Your Call' available at incompetech.com


You can find more podcasts to improve your English at inglespodcast.com

Direct download: AIRC63_FinalCut.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:00pm CEST

If you are a new listener to this podcast, welcome! I'm Craig. This is Reza, and we are going to help you grow your grammar, vocalize your vocabulary and perfect your pronunciation. 

With over 40 years of teaching between us, we'll help you improve your English and take it to the next level.


Find more podcasts at inglespodcast.com


In this episode: Cinema vocabulary 

Listener Feedback:  (email from Javier from Scotland) Hello Craig and Reza,

This is Javi I don't know if you remember me, I emailed you about 1 month ago. I listen to your postcast every morning while I'm working as housekeeper in a hostel in Scotland. 

Personally, I don't find them so difficult to understand but I still find (it) quite difficult to understand native English speakers when they have a normal conversation. Most of the time I get lost. 

It's true that my English's gotten much better since I came here, but I know is not enough. 

I know that you've been teaching for years so if you didn't mind, I would be greatful if you could give some advice, which could help me to improve my English faster. 

I hope you're enjoying the weather in valencia, 


Best regards from Fort William.

Thank you so much, Javier Trimiño 


I'm not enjoying the weather in Valencia, Javi, and I wish I was in Scotland! I hate the heat and humidity.


Time and practice! - go to pubs, start conversations, smile and be friendly. Speak to anyone who will listen.

You're listening to podcasts in English, which is great! - Make friends, socialise as much as possible. Go out with people.

Speak to people in the hostel. Ask lots of questions - Ask where the baked beans are.


Elemental English: 


Vocabulary: Cinema vocabulary

The music of a film - soundtrack

The people who watch a film - audience (sport - spectators)

When actors and actresses practise for a film or a play - rehearsal / to rehearse

The person who makes the film and tells the actors what to do - director (pronunciation)

The person who pays the money to make the film - producer

The dialogue of a film - script

Someone who does the dangerous things in a film - stuntperson

All of the actors and actresses in a film - the cast

The building where films are made - studio

The places where the film is shot outside the studio - on location  

The continuation of a story in a book or a film - sequel

The part that an actor or actress plays in a film or a play - role

Images which are made by computer - special effects

When somebody writes an opinion of a film, play or book - review (the person is a critic)

The way an actor or an actress acts - performance  

A successful film which earns a lot of money - a box office success, blockbuster (Jurassic World - grossed $500 million worldwide in its opening weekend - estreno = premiere, opening release, first release) 


More vocabulary:


dubbed = doblado

subtitles = subtítulos

plot = argumento

the leading man/lady = the stars

the supporting actors/cast - "WHo's in it? / Who's in the film?

good guys and bad guys = the goodies and the badies

a cameo role = aparición breve 

femme fatale

to take place - The action takes place....

to be set (in)...

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If you do that, we become more visible and more people can find us. Show us some love.


On next week's episode: Uses of GET

The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called 'See You Later' 


Find more podcasts at inglespodcast.com

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:00pm CEST