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Lecciones para aprender y mejorar tú inglés. English lessons to improve your grammar, vocabulary and listening skills.


Hello and welcome to Mansion Interviews, a podcast which gives me an excuse to talk to interesting people while at the same time improving your English.
Today you'll be listening to Elsie Escobar, who speaks with an American English accent. The interview is a bit longer than usual,
but Elsie speaks so well and so clearly that I'm sure you'll have no problem in following the conversation.

Remember, you can improve your listening with comprehension questions and find some help with difficult words from this interview at inglespodcast.com/elsie And there's some rich vocabulary in this interview.
Elsie speaks about the cinema, earthquakes, yoga, food, Barcelona, and much much more, so use the vocabulary help you as you listen. Let me introduce to you now the delighfully charming Elsie Escobar.

Más podcasts para mejorar tu ingles en: http://www.inglespodcast.com/ 

More podcasts to improve your English at: http://www.inglespodcast.com/ 


1. Where does Elsie live now?

LA (los Angeles)
North Carolina

2. Which of the following does Elsie NOT say she heard while she was growing up in El Salvador?


3. How would you describe Elsie's current view on acting?

she wishes she was back in Hollywood staring in films
She regrets the experience because she didn't become a big Hollywood star
She thinks she would have been more successful if she'd had a better agent
She can't imagine acting now because her life and priorities have changed

4. What is Libsyn?

an internet bandwidth company
a media production company that makes videos and podcasts for itunes
a podcast hosting service
an online community of people who want to be happy

5. Why doesn't Elsie teach yoga classes anymore?

It's too far to drive
It's not worth it financially
She doesn't have time because of her family
She moved and doesn't have enough students now

6. When Elsie was younger, she found it hard to meditate because

there was something negative in her life that she couldn't ignore
She saw a lot of elephants
she went out to too many parties with her friends
there were too many different types of meditation practices to choose from

7. She Podcasts is

a podcast that talks about men
a podcast that has a mainly male audience
a podcast that focuses on female podcasters and new media
a podcast that speaks about flies, particulary when they are on the wall

8. When was Elsie in Barcelona?

4 years ago
last year

9. Which of the following does Elsie NOT mention as a possible filling for 'pupusas'

shredded pork

North Carolina
She can't imagine acting now because her life and priorities have changed
A podcast hosting service
It's not worth it financially
there was something negative in her life that she couldn't ignore
a podcast that focuses on female podcasters and new media



to immerse yourself in [sth] - sumergirse en
to be immersed in something - estar metido de lleno
to be out in the boondocks - en el quinto pino / off the beaten track - fuera de los caminos
packed (with people) - abarrotado/a
store - tienda
trash - basura
curfew - toque de queda
to muddle - desordenar, hacer un lío
earthquake - terremoto
drive - motivación, deseo, fuerza interna, impulso
audition - audición, prueba
role - papel
to cast - dar un papel
blink - parpadear
maid - criada
creative outlet (means of expression) -salida
to keep an eye on - estar atento, echar un ojo
hiatus (break) - interrupción
ROI (return on investment) - rendimiento de las inversiones
to start from scratch - empezar de zero, empezar desde el principio
substance abuse - abuso de sustancias
mat - alfombra, alfombrilla
to bargain - regatear, negociar
off kilter - torcido/a, descentrado/a, desequilibrado/a
shift - mover
a clean slate - una pizarra limpia, una pizarra en blanco
stickler - rigorista, insistente
chore - tarea rutinaria, faena
liberal arts - artes liberales, humanidades
toddler (1-2 year old child) - bebé mayor
enamored with - enamorado de
alignment - alineamiento
point of view - punto de vista


Elsie's interview on lasunnecracia.com: http://www.lasunnecracia.com/2016/01/la-sunnecracia-93-libsyn-y-el.html

She Podcasts: https://www.shepodcasts.com/

The Feed: http://thefeed.libsyn.com/

Elsi's Yoga Kula: http://elsiesyogakula.com/

A huge 'Thank you' to Elsie for her time. I was very bad because I forgot to ask Elsie where you can find her online:

She Podcasts: https://www.shepodcasts.com/

The Feed: http://thefeed.libsyn.com/


Twitter: @YoGeek

If you want to hear Elsie speaking more about her role as Happiness Community Manager at Libsyn, you can find her Spanish interview on lasunnecracia.com. A link to that interview, together with links to other things we spoke about, can be found at www.inglespodcast.com/elsie 

Thank you to you for listening to this Mansion Interview. You can find more podcasts to improve your English at inglespodcast.com and you can study English free at mansioningles.com 

Más podcasts para mejorar tu ingles en: http://www.inglespodcast.com/ 

More podcasts to improve your English at: http://www.inglespodcast.com/ 

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Direct download: Elsie_FinalCut.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:25pm CEST