Aprende ingles con inglespodcast de La Mansión del Inglés-Learn English Free
Lecciones para aprender y mejorar tú inglés. English lessons to improve your grammar, vocabulary and listening skills.

Hello and welcome to Mansion Interviews, a podcast which gives me an excuse to talk to interesting people while at the same time improving your English.

Now today we're going to listen to a chat I had with the wonderfully interesting Shanthi Cumaraswamy Streat who is an English teacher based in London, but I met her in Sitges, near Barcelona.

Shanthi has a wonderful blog and obviously we speak about that, and many other things besides, so let's not waste any time, let me introduce you to Shanthi from englishwithatwist.com.

You can improve your listening with comprehension questions and find some help with difficult words from this interview at inglespodcast.com/shanthi . I suggest you go to the webpage, look at the show notes because this episode with Shanthi is particularly rich in vocabulary.


Puedes contestar las preguntas de comprensión y obtener ayuda con el vocabulario difícil en esta entrevista en inglespodcast.com  

You can answer listening comprehension questions and get help with difficult vocabulary in this interview at inglespodcast.com 



to backtrack - retroceder, volver atrás
awkward - incómodo, torpe
vivacious - vivaz, animado
to frown upon - no ver con buenos ojos, estar mal visto
rusty - oxidado (my Italian is pretty rusty - me falta práctica en italiano, tengo el italiano muy olvidado)
to end up - terminar, acabar
from scratch - desde cero
to be thrown into the deep end - to be made to do something difficult without being prepared for it or being given any help
carefree - sin preocupaciones
to merge - fusionarse, unirse
to make redundant - despedir / to be made redundant - ser despedido (por reducción de plantilla), quedar sin trabajo
human resources - recursos humanos
handkerchief - pañuelo
to regurgitate - repetir mecánicamente
buzzword - palabra de moda
to come across - encontrarse con
patterns - pautas
to trigger an idea - desencadenar una idea
to come up with - inventarse
to embark (on) - embarcarse en, lanzarse
boost - levantar, alzar, incrementar
I can't stand - No puedo soportar
to waffle - decir chorradas, dar vueltas / to waffle on - enrollarse
how on earth...? - como demonios....?


Shanthi's blog post on setting language-learning goals:



It was so much fun talking with Shanthi. Don't forget you can find her website, her blog and the services she offers at: englishwithatwist.com

Thank you to you for listening to this Mansion Interview. You can find more podcasts to improve your English at inglespodcast.com and you can study English free at mansioningles.com

If you enjoyed this podcast, please go to iTunes and give us some stars and maybe a short review so that more people can find our podcasts.


Puedes contestar las preguntas de comprensión y obtener ayuda con el vocabulario difícil en esta entrevista en inglespodcast.com  

You can answer listening comprehension questions and get help with difficult vocabulary in this interview at inglespodcast.com 


Direct download: Shanthi_FinalCut.mp3
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