Tue, 20 November 2012
Aprender ingles gratis con La Mansion del Ingles. Un podcast para mejorar la gramatica, el vocabulario y la pronunciacion del ingles. Una leccion del ingles con ejemplos y ejercicios. Learn English free with podcasts from La Mansion del Ingles. Improve your grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. This English lesson contains examples and exercises. Hello again. Welcome, and thank you for downloading this Mansión Inglés podcast. This is podcast number 54 recorded for October 2012. Este mes, en el nivel básico, hemos hablado de la runtina diaria y también como hacer las preguntas. In the intermediate section gerunds and infinitives and opposites and more idioms and words with multiple meanings in the advanced section. There's business vocabulary as usual this month, and many more ideas and resources to help you improve your English and take it to the next level. En los podcasts mensuales hablamos de los temas, vocabulario y ejercicios que salen en nuestro cuaderno mensual. Así podáis practicar la pronunciación y repasar el material del cuaderno. Si quieres recibir gratis el cuaderno cada mes, ver la trascripción de este podcast o leer los anteriores, vete a mansioningles.com y sigue los enlaces en la página principal. So let's get started con el nivel básico y algunas expresiones de la rutina diaria. Voy a decir las expresiones en español y tu dices la tradución en inglés antes que lo digo yo. Ready? - ¿Listo? ¿Cómo se dice "comer" en inglés? - to have lunch - Repite: to have lunch ir de compras - to go shopping Repite: to go shopping - We go shopping on Saturdays. ir en coche al trabajo - to go to work by car Repite: to go to work by car - I go to work by car every day. ir a clase - to go to class Repite: to go to class - What time do you go to class? ir a casa - to go home Repite: to go home - I go home after work. llegar a casa - to get home Repite: to get home - I get home at 7.30 hacer la cena - to make dinner Repite: to make dinner - My girlfriend usually makes dinner. cenar - to have dinner Repite: to have dinner - We have dinner at home. ir a la cama/acostarse - to go to bed Repite: to go to bed - I go to bed at about 12 o'clock. También hemos practicado las preguntas. Escucha y repite algunas preguntas conmigo. Fijarte en la entonación. What time do you get up? What time do you have dinner? What do you do after lunch? Who do you have lunch with? What time do you go to bed? What time do you get home after work? Very good! - ¡Muy bien!
In the intermediate section this month, we looked at some gerunds and infinitives. I'm going to say some pairs of sentences with different grammar and I want you to say which is correct. Por ejemplo, ¿Qué es correcto? - I used to be good at playing the piano or I used to be good at play the piano? El correcto es: I used to be good at playing the piano. - Gerund - Repeat: I used to be good at playing the piano. I have difficulty to make myself understood. or I have difficulty making myself understood? - I have difficulty making myself understood. Repeat: I have difficulty making myself understood. She’s only interested in taking drugs or She’s only interested to take drugs? - She’s only interested in taking drugs. Repeat: She’s only interested in taking drugs. I don't know what do with her. or I don't know what to do with her? - I don't know what to do with her. Repeat: I don't know what to do with her. We had a fantastic time to travel around I'm too tired for going out tonight. or I'm too tired to go out tonight? - I'm too tired to go out tonight. Repeat: I'm too tired to go out tonight. He’s unlikely to pass the exam. or He’s unlikely pass the exam? - He's unlikely to pass the exam. Repeat: He's unlikely to pass the exam. She was arrested for not to pay her taxes. or She was arrested for not paying her taxes? - She was arrested for not paying her taxes. Repeat: She was arrested for not paying her taxes. She’s quite likely for to lose her temper. or She’s quite likely to lose her temper. - She’s quite likely to lose her temper. Repeat: She’s quite likely to lose her temper. Moving on to vocabulary and opposites. Try to say the opposites of the following words before I do, then repeat them to practise pronunciation. Ready? success - failure valuable - worthless fresh - stale victory - defeat profit - loss calm - rough brave - coward well-paid - badly-paid Good. Now repeat the following example sentences. It wasn’t a SUCCESS. It was a total FAILURE. I thought it was VALUABLE but it was WORTHLESS. The bread isn’t FRESH, it’s STALE. We expected an easy VICTORY but we suffered a terrible DEFEAT. We didn't make a PROFIT, we made a LOSS. The sea was CALM in the morning, but ROUGH in the afternoon. He thinks he's really BRAVE but he's a COWARD. He's not WELL-PAID, he's very BADLY-PAID. If you like these podcasts, if you are learning more English with these podcasts, you can buy full lessons for only 1 euro and 40 centimos from our online shop - nuestra tienda online. Estas lecciones están diseñado como una continuación del curso de audio Mansión Auto 2, y están basados en nuestro curso básico interactivo que ha ayudado a más de 25 millones de personas a aprender inglés desde el año 2001. Las lecciones están a nivel intermedio (B1) y estamos poniendo nuevas lecciones constantemente en mansioninglesdescargas.wazala.com ( that's: mansioninglesdescargas - todo junto - punto . wazala.com. Cada leccion vale 1.40 euros y dura approx. 1 hora y 15 minutos y cada leccion está en formato mp3 lleva su trascripcion en formato PDF. There were more idioms this month in the advanced section. Let's see if you can remember the idioms if I say the Spanish equivalent. For example, Tanto monta, monta tanto, (Isabel Lo que se pierde en una casa se gana en otra. - swings and roundabouts - a roundabout in a park is tiovivo I think. and a swing I think is columpio. “It's (a question of) swings and roundabouts.” - “It's (a question of) swings and roundabouts.” En tierra de ciegos, el tuerto es rey. This is another direct translation - "In the land of the blind, the one-eyed is king." No tiene raices en ningun sitio. - This idiom has the words 'hat' and 'home' in it. It's...“Home is where he hangs his hat.” He hangs up his hat and that's enough for him to call the place home - He's a drifter. Va dando tumbos por la vida . He's a drifter. Wherever he hangs his hat, that's his home. Our last idiom this month is "Llueve sobre mojado" o "Al que no quiere caldo, se le dan dos tazas." - In English we say “It never rains, but it pours.” Do you know the expression "it's pouring"? - It's pouring (with rain), Está lloviendo a cántaros - It never rains, but it pours - I've had so much bad luck this week. I lost my wallet, someone scratched my car and I got a parking fine..... It never rains, but it pours. Now listen and repeat the idioms after me: “It's like water off a duck's back.” “It's as broad as it is long.” “It's (a question of) swings and roundabouts.” "In the land of the blind, the one-eyed is king." “Home is where he hangs his hat.” “It never rains, but it pours.” Also in the advanced section we looked at some words with multiple meanings like the word odd - O-D-D. Odd means extraño, raro. the odd thing is that...Lo raro o lo curioso es que.....It also means impar when we talk about numbers. Odd numbers and even number. We also have the expression "The odd man out" - el bicho raro, la excepción. Odd can also me something that is left over - I have a few odd bits of wood in the garage. If you've got the odd moment to spare, come round for a chat. It cost me 30 pounds odd - Me costó 30 y tantas libras or 30 y pico libras. Stock was the next word. One meaning of stock is reserva - We're out of stock - Están agotadas. - We don't have your size in stock. - If you have stock in a company tienes algunas acciones. Stocks and shares - acciones. Stock is also caldo - Chicken stock. One thing I've learned during my time living in Hail as a noun means granizo - hailstones - frozen rain. A strong collocation with hail is a hail of bullets. As the armed robbers left the bank, they were cut down in a hail of bullets. As a verb, hail can mean llamar - you hail a cab. In Figure can mean cifra - What's the unemployment figure for And figure for a person is figura. She's got a great figure. I know she's nearly 40, but she's got the figure of an eighteen-year-old. In American English, it's quite common to hear figure as a verb meaning to make sense. "It just doesn't figure" - No me lo explico. How do you figure that? In British English I would say reckon. What do you reckon? What do you figure? Our last word was plot. A plot of land is terreno or solar. I'm thinking of buying a small plot and building a house on it. Plot is also complot, conjura: they foiled the assassination plot - frustaron el intento de asesinato. And of course we talk about the plot of a film or a book (el argumento). I loved the new George Clooney film, but the plot was a bit complicated. How do you say "Las cosas se complican" using the word plot? - The plot thickens - Repeat: The plot thickens.
In the Business English section this month, we looked at some more business English vocabulary. To develop means desarrollar in Spanish. That's a word that's really difficult for me to say and to remember - desarrollar - double rr and double ll - desarrollar or elaborar - to develop. You can develop ideas, you can develop a method, develop a character, a plot or story in a film or a book. You can develop skills and abilities and develop land - urbanizar - In technology, it's very common to hear about software development, application development for mobile phones and tablets - mobile devices. We're developing a new application for La Mansión del Inglés. To sign up means inscribirse. You can also say enroll or register for a course. I'm signing up for a computer course. Sign up is a phrasal verb, and so is go about. To go about means emprender - How do I go about voting? - ¿Qué tengo que hacer para votar? How do I go about signing up? Go about can also mean correr or circular. For example, "there's a lot of flu going about", or "Have you heard that horrible rumour going about that Jimmy's having an affair?" If you work full-time, you work standard hours. How do you say jornada partial in English? - part-time . I'm working part-time. It's a part-time job. Doubt in Spanish is duda, pero muchas veces para decir tengo duda, mis alumnos dicen I have a doubt, but it sounds better in English to say "I'm not sure." For example, I'm not sure how to pronounce this word" sounds better than "I have a doubt how to pronounce this word." But doubt is used in many expressions, for example. Without a doubt or no doubt - Sin duda. Repeat: Doubt - No doubt I'll see you tomorrow. I'll be there at 6, without a doubt. This is, without a doubt, the best brownie I've ever tasted. - I very much doubt it - Lo dudo mucho. Repeat: I very much doubt it. - If in doubt, don't go - Si estás en duda, no vayas. - If in doubt, don't go And finally, to get back means to return or go back to something or someone. Repeat: I have to get back to my work now. - I'll get back to later - Can I get back to you in the morning? Well, I have to get back to working on our new audio course, but don't worry, we'll be back with you next month with another podcast from our monthly newsletter, our cuaderno de inglés mensual. Remember you can listen to all our previous podcasts at mansioningles.com and on iTunes. Thank you very much for listening to this podcast, and for being part of the community of La Mansión del Inglés. Remember, If you want to contact us you can find us on Facebook. Just search Facebook for La Mansión del Inglés and join our growing community of fans. Or send an email to: mansionteachers@yahoo.es. You can also follow us on Twitter. Our Twitter name is MansionTwit. Puedes ver el cuaderno mensual de este mes, y todos los cuadernos anteriores en www.cuadernodeingles.com/ También tenemos dos aplicaciones para el nivel principiante y el nivel básico a la venta en la tienda de iTunes. Para encontrarlas, busca imansionauto. El precio de cada aplicación es de 2,39 euros. Until next month then, take care, keep practising and taking your English to the next level! Bye for now! The music in this month’s podcast is by Revolution Void, the album is The Politics of Desire and the track is called Outer Orbit.
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