Aprende ingles con inglespodcast de La Mansión del Inglés-Learn English Free
Lecciones para aprender y mejorar tú inglés. English lessons to improve your grammar, vocabulary and listening skills.

Aprender ingles gratis con La Mansion del Ingles. Un podcast para mejorar la gramatica, el vocabulario y la pronunciacion del inglés. Una leccion del ingles con ejemplos y ejercicios.
Learn English free with podcasts from La Mansion del Ingles. Improve your grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. This English lesson contains examples and exercises.

Podcast Transcription

Hi and welcome to another Mansión Inglés podcast from mansioningles.com, recorded for August 2010.

Most of you are probably on holiday now. Sitting on the beach listening to this podcast, watching the palm trees sway (balancearse, mecerse) from side to side in a gentle breeze. Maybe drinking a cold beer or a cool vodka and tonic with ice and lemon. Ahh! - Where ever you are and whatever you’re doing, I hope you’re well and happy, and ready to practise some more English with La Mansión del Inglés.

Hola. ¿Qué tal? Espero que todo va bien. No me gusta hablar en español porque mi español es muy malo, y tengo muchas faltas. Pero debo hacerlo y tú tienes que hablar en inglés. OK? Come on! ¿Animo!

 Because it’s holiday time, we practised a lot of holiday vocabulary in this month’s Newsletter (cuaderno). Empezamos, como siempre, con el nivel básico. Voy a decir algunas palabras en español y tú tienes que decirlas el inglés antes que yo. Luego, repite las palabras para practicar la pronunciación. ¿Listos?

ola – No ‘Hola’ – hello, ola sin la ‘h’ – wave – el sonido vocal es /ai/ repeat: wave

costa – coast – sonido vocal /ow/ coast - repeat: coastnadar - to swim

puesta de sol - sunset

isla – island – la ‘s’ no se pronuncia escucha: island - repeat: island     

puerto – port – sonido vocal /aw/ - port - repeat: port

arena - sand

playa – beach vowel sound – sonido vocal – /I:/ repeat: beach. No olvides hacer el sonido vocal largo /i:/ - beach. Si no, suena como bitch que es una perra- or worse!. So repeat with me: /i:/  ‘beach’ – beach. I’m looking for the beach.

piscina - swimming pool

mar - sea

pelota de playa - beach ball 

sombrilla - beach umbrella

gafas de sol - sunglasses

toalla - towel – difficult pronunciation. Listen: towel - repeat: towel

crema solar - suncream  

quemado por el sol - sunburned – suncream, sunburn – hay muchas palabras con sun en la playa. Tomar el sol is to sunbathe – repeat: sunbathe. Be careful – ten cuidado – when you’re sunbathing. The sun is very hot. Put suncream on your body. If you don’t you might get sunburnedquemado por el sol. But if you’re careful, you’ll get a nice suntan bonceado, moreno – Repeat: suntan - to get a suntan - oh and it’s a good idea to wear sunglassesgafas de sol. Take sunglasses to the beach.

 Let’s move on to our list of irregular verbs. Vamos a seguir con la lista de verbos irregulares.

 ¿Qué es el verbo dejar en inglés? To leave Escucha y repite: leave– left - left. What time did you leave? I left at 3:30. I’ve left you some chocolate cake in the fridge. Don’t leave me. Please don’t go!

Next is the verb prestar – to lend repeat lend – lent - lent. Can you lend me your pen? Los verbos lend y borrow se confunden mucho. Lend es prestar (you lend something to someone) y borrow es tomar prestado (you borrow something from someone). Los dos términos se puede confundir ya que en español se habla de forma diferente "Me prestas tu coche?" = "Can you lend your car to me?" ... nunca se dice "Can you borrow your car to me?"...

"Tomé prestado tu coche " = I borrowed your car. So, you borrow money from the bank - The bank lends money to you (er..sometimes!). Repeat: lend – lent – lent. Can you lend me $10? I lent you 10 yesterday!

Los verbos permitir, dejar se traducen en ingles a let – Repeat: let – let - let. Easy. No se cambia let – let -let – Let me see! - ¡Déjame ver! Her father lets her smoke – Su padre le déjà fumar.

Encender o iluminar is to light – L-I-G-H-T – light – lit – lit. Did you light the fire? – I lit a cigarette. Come on baby light my fire! – ¡enciende mi fuego!

El verbo perder en inglés is to lose – repeat: lose – lost – lost. The vowel sound is /oo/ lose. I often lose my keys – mis llaves. Valencia usually loses to Barcelona. Chelsea lost against Manchester United. I want to lose weight. To lose weight – perder peso.– I’ve lost 3 kilos. What’s the opposite of lose weight? – put on weight. That’s easy for Spanish speakers to remember ‘put on’ – I’ve put on weight.

To make means hacer repeat: make – made – made. It’s made of wood – Es de madera. - It makes me happy. Me hace feliz. I made a cake yesterday.

El verbo significar is to mean. Repeat – mean – meant - meant Repite el sonido vocal /I:/ mean. What does this mean? ¿Qué significa esto? What do you mean? ¿qué quieres decir (con eso)? A student once asked me “Craig, what does mean mean?” ¿Craig, Qué significa mean?

To meet is conocer o encontrar. Repeat – meet – met – met - "pleased to meet you" or “nice to meet you” - encantado de conocerte. We met the verb meet last month with the verb to know. Do you remember? To know can also mean conocer. La primera vez que coneces a alguien you meet them. “Nice to meet you.” After you meet them, you know them. I met her at a party. Where did you meet your wife? I met her at a wedding. Have you ever met anyone famous?

Pagar in English is to pay. Repeat: pay – paid – paid. Did you pay for the beers? – I paid you last week. Has your boss paid you yet? How much did he pay you?

Finally, the verb poner. In English to put. La forma es la misma. Put – put – put. El vocal /u/ repeat: /u/ put –put –put. Put my coffee on the table. Where did you put your jacket? Have you put the air conditioning on? You've put on weight.

Ahora escucha de nuevo y intenta decir la segunda y tercera forma del verbo antes que lo digo yo. Ready? ¿Listo?

leave                left – left

lend                  lent – lent

let                    let – let

light                  lit – lit

lose                  lost – lost

make                made – made

mean                meant – meant

meet                 met – met

pay                   paid – paid

put                   put - put


We also studied some holiday vocabulary at intermediate level this month. Let’s see what you remember. I’ll say the Spanish words and expressions, and you say the English translation before I do. Then, repeat the vocabulary to practise pronunciation.


 el balneario What’s that in English? El balneario. I can’t even say it in Spanish! Help! How do I say this? El balneario — It’s a spa, or resort

bahía - bay – B – A - Y

traje de baño, bañador  - swimsuit or swimming trunks  

buceo, bucear - diving, to dive

esnorkel, buceo con tubo de respiración - snorkeling – to go snorkeling

bloque del sol, crema solar, bronceador - sunscreen, sunblock or suntan lotion

vista al mar - sea view

océano - ocean

tomar el sol - to sunbathe

bañista - sunbather

salvavidas - lifeguard

concha marina - sea shell. That’s difficult. Repeat: sea shell – sea shell

nevera - cooler

marea alta - high tide

marea baja - low tide

And now some useful phrases - Frases útiles say them in English and Repeat them.

¿Dónde está la playa? - Where’s the beach? La entonación es muy importante en la preguntas. Listen and repeat: Where’s the beach? – Excuse me, where’s the beach?

¿Hay algún salvavidas? - Is there a lifeguard?

¿Es seguro para niños? - Is it safe for children?

¿Es seguro nadar aquí? Is it safe to swim here?  

¿Es seguro bucear aquí? Is it safe to dive here? 

¿Podemos nadar aquí? - Can we swim here?

¿Hay que pagar? - Do we have to pay? -

¿Cuánto cuesta alquilar una sombrilla? - How much to rent an umbrella?

¿Cuánto cuesta alquilar una silla? - How much to rent a chair?

¿Cuánto cuesta alquilar una bici? - How much to rent a bicycle?

Más frases:

Don’t forget to book a hotel.

Have you packed your suitcase.

My friend is a travel agent.

I got a great deal on hotel in London

Travelling during peak season can be expensive.

We like to stay at bed and breakfast places

We had to get a connecting flight.

I’m here on business

I went sightseeing in Liverpool

Is the room air-conditioned?

Does the room have a safe?

I’d like to make a reservation. Please.

Did you buy any souvenirs?

In the advanced section this month we practised some sentence transformations. This kind of exercise is typical of the type of exercise found in the Cambridge Advanced English exam. We are developing an advanced English cd at the moment, and we hope to have it finished before the end of the year.

Listen and repeat:

I wish to express my dissatisfaction with the poor service at your hotel.

There is little chance of us going to Italy on holiday this year.

Pepito asked if I would give him a lift to the airport.

Are you being attended to , madam?

Customers are required to give two weeks notice if they intend to change their booking.

On no account should your luggage be left unattended.

 In our Business English section this month there were two more short exercises on business collocations. Listen and repeat:

To make a profit. – What’s the opposite of make a profit? – make a loss. If your company is doing well and makes money, it makes a profit. If it loses money, it makes a loss.

If your company employs more workers, it takes on staff. To take on staff. My school took on 6 new teachers last month. – They employed 6 new teachers. Do you remember the expression for despedir from last months podcast? Despedir is to lay off staff. To take on new staff and the opposite to lay off staff.

Lanzar in English is to launch. So lanzar un producto nuevo is to launch a new product.

To go into partnership is how La Mansión del Inglés got started almost ten years ago. I went into partnership with my friend, and now business partner, and we started a business together. – To go into partnership with someone

Llegar a una conclusion can be to come to a conclusion or to draw a conclusion. What conclusions did you draw from the meeting?

To bear in mind means to consider, to take into account – considerar, tener en cuenta, tener presente. Bear in mind that we have an enormous amount of money invested in this project.

dismiss an offer. – dismiss here means rechazar. The union dismissed the offer of a 3% pay rise. – to dismiss an offer.

Next month we’ll look at 10 more common business collocations.

Well, that’s it for this month. Thanks for listening. Remember to visit our online shop where you can find our business English cd, our First Certificate cd for the Cambridge FCE exam, our audio cds and many more. Just go to the mansioningles.com webpage and click on the cds on the right side of the home page. You can also follow us on Twitter, just search for MansionTwit, and don’t forget to join our growing community of students and teachers on our Facebook fan page.

See you next time!

The music in this month’s podcast was by Revolution Void, the album was The Politics of Desire and the track was Outer Orbit. Also by Azhrak, the track was Below the Arctic Circle. Creative Commons licence from Jamendo.com











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