Aprender ingles with Reza and Craig
English lessons to improve your grammar, vocabulary and listening skills. We'll help you take your English to the next level! Lecciones para aprender y mejorar tú inglés.

What expressions can you use to order food and drink in a restaurant? 
How can you ask for the bill at the end of the meal? 
How do you like your eggs cooked and what does it mean if your eggs are ‘sunny side up’? You’ll find out in this appetizing podcast episode.

Las notas del episodio y más podcasts para mejorar tu ingles están en: http://www.inglespodcast.com/  

Shownotes and more podcasts to improve your English at: http://www.inglespodcast.com/ 

Direct download: AIRC_Ordering_food_in_a_restaurant-auphonic.mp3
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