Sun, 1 November 2015
Gym and exercise Vocabulary, proverbs - AIRC75 If you are a new listener to this podcast, welcome! In this episode: Gym Vocabulary
Hay más podcasts aquÍ: Ricardo Fica (from Chile) Well, I want to tell you a funny story about myself and it's about my level of English. When I started the project I had to test my English as I had to interact with a Chinese girl who came from Hong Kong. The first 3 days with her were terrible! I could not understand most of the words she spoke. Once I could read it I started to understand her and every day a little clearer. All of this, occured the first week. Guys, I thought EVERYONE in the UK spoke like you, but they don't! Maybe because your are teachers. Well, after 2 weeks speaking and listening to them I think I can say I've improved my English very much. I hope you could understand my writing...I'm still learning English with you. (corrected email in Thanks guys again, you do an excellent job and you deserve all awards. Regards. Ricardo
to workout - to go for a good workout to have a spare tyre - michelines, flotadores / double chin - una papada to lift (do) weights (to pump iron) - to do yoga, aerobics, step, judo, to do reps (repetitions - repeticiones) to build muscles - to get a six pack - tableta de chocolate to stretch - estirarse to warm up - calentarse tendons - tendones a mat - colchoneta, esterilla (an exercise) bench - banco a treadmill - cinta de correr cardiovascular dumbbells / kettlebells biceps abs = abdominal muscles to work up a sweat to sweat - sudar / sweaty (adjective) - sudoroso/a perspiration - transpiración, sudoración (to perspire) glow - brillar, irradiar "No pain, no gain" - Sin dolor no hay ganancia
We want to thank our sponsor iTalki. ¡Compra una lección de inglés y consigue la segunda gratis!
"Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst." "Better late than never." "There's no such thing as a free lunch." - speakpipe or Send us an email to or What's your favourite proverb?
On next week's episode: Strong adjectives The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called 'See You Later'
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