Aprende ingles con inglespodcast de La Mansión del Inglés-Learn English Free
Lecciones para aprender y mejorar tú inglés. English lessons to improve your grammar, vocabulary and listening skills.

Customer Service - AIRC110

In this episode we're going to help you improve the way you attend customers and clients in English

Más podcasts para mejorar tu ingles en: http://www.inglespodcast.com/ 

More podcasts to improve your English at: http://www.inglespodcast.com/ 

Feedback from Sonia Nieves
soy usuaria y seguidora de su pagina web que me es muy util.
Pero ultimamente estoy teniendo problemas con mi inglés.
Trabajo en atención al cliente dentro del sector del fitness y no sé como
comunicarme bien con los clientes. Ejemplos: hacer un alta, darse de baja, dejar dinero en deposito

We have an audio podcast about gym and fitness vocabulary. You can find it here: http://www.inglespodcast.com/2015/11/01/gym-and-exercise-vocabulary-proverbs-airc75/

to register - hacer un alta
to cancel (your) registration - darse de baja
account number - numero de cuenta
to put down a deposit / to pay a deposit - dejar dinero en deposito
How can I help you? - ¿Cómo puedo ayudarle?
What seems to be the problem? - ¿Qué problema está teniendo?
What happened exactly? - ¿Qué sucedió exactamente?
I can solve that problem. - Puedo resolver ese problema.
I don’t know, but I will find out. - No sé, pero lo averiguaré.
How would you like to pay? - ¿Cómo le gustaría pagar?
Will you be paying by credit card? - Va a pagar con tarjeta de crédito?
May I see some identification? - ¿Puedo ver alguna identificación?
I'm sorry, do you have another card? - ¿Tiene otra tarjeta?
I'm afraid it hasn't been accepted - Me temo que no ha sido aceptada

You may hear:
May I speak to your supervisor? -¿Podría hablar con su supervisor/a?
I'd like to speak to the person in charge, please. - Me gustaría hablar con la persona a cargo.
I'd like to make a complaint. I'd like to complain.
Is there anything else I can help you with.

(Use polite rising and falling intonation, smile and use eye contact and positive body language!)

Italki ad read:

Effective 1 to 1 personal teaching

Native, International (native speakers)

Convenient (learning at home, technology)

Affordable (cut out the middlemen, great pricing)

Italki gives 100 italki credits (ITC) to each paying student that registers.
To find out more, go to: inglespodcast.com/italki/
We want to say thank you to italki for sponsoring Aprender Inglés con Reza y Craig

...and now it's your turn to practise your English. Do you have any good, bad, strange or unusual customer service experiences?
Send us a voice message and tell us what you think. www.speakpipe.com/inglespodcast

Send us an email with a comment or question to craig@inglespodcast.com or belfastreza@gmail.com.

If you would like more detailed shownotes, go to https://www.patreon.com/inglespodcast

We need $100
Our 11 lovely sponsors are:

Lara Arlem
Zara Heath Picazo
Juan Leyva Galera
sara Jarabo
Corey Fineran from Ivy Envy Podcast
Jorge Jiménez
Raul Lopez
Daniel Contreras Aladro
Manuel Tarazona

Más podcasts para mejorar tu ingles en: http://www.inglespodcast.com/ 

More podcasts to improve your English at: http://www.inglespodcast.com/  


On next week's episode: Asking For, Giving and Understanding Directions

The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called 'See You Later'

Direct download: AIRC110_FinalCut.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:29pm CEST